Hyeonjae Gil
I’m currently a master’s student in RPM SNU.
My research topics are SLAM and Localization with various sensors.
Contact me via email: now9728@gmail.com
My full CV is here
- Floatic Robotics
- Robotics Software Engineer & Co-founder
- 2021.06 ~ 2022.06
- Naver Labs
- Robotics Vision Team Intern
- 2020.08 ~ 2021.03
- Seoul National University (SNU)
- Master’s student in Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Advisor: Ayoung Kim
- 2022.03 ~ Current
- Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
- B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Minor in Electrical Engineering (EE)
- 2016.03 ~ 2021.08
Grid-wise Normalization for Thermal Image-based SLAM
[International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023, Poster]
- Explore novel image normalization technique to enhance feature detection in Thermal Image-based SLAM.
- poster pdf
Long-term Place Recognition for Thermal Image
[Intelligent Service Robotics 2023, Co-author]
- Research participation in image translation DNN for long term place recognition.
- In charge of experiment setting and evaluation.
Tightly-coupled GNSS-LiDAR-Inertial State Estimator
[Journal of Korea Robotics Society 2023]
- Design real-time state estimator by tightly-fusing IMU, 3D LiDAR, and raw GNSS measurements
- Overcome drawbacks of loosely-coupled GNSS fix measurements.
- poster pdf
2D LiDAR-aided Monocular Image-based Depth Estimation
[International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2020, Co-author]
- Designed hardware and software of sensor system with multiple modalities (2D LiDAR, RGB-D Camera).
- Acquired KAIST RGBD-Scan Dataset for validating the Depth Estimation Deep Neural Network.
- C++, Python, ROS, Pytorch, MATLAB, Github, JIRA, Docker, Ubuntu